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Speak English With AI
Learning English is more than just acquiring a new skill—it’s a gateway to global competence. With SpeakPal, our AI language learning platform, you can confidently master English through real-time feedback and engaging conversations. Our cutting-edge technology ensures that you receive comprehensive support in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, SpeakPal adapts to your level and provides personalized lessons. Start speaking English today and unlock a world of opportunities!
AI Language Learning: Examples of English Grammar
(Pridjevi): blue, big, happy
1.“The blue sky is beautiful.”(Plavo nebo je prelepo.)
2.“She has a big smile on her face.”(Ima veliki osmeh na licu.)
(Prilozi): quickly, quietly, sadly
1.“He runs quickly.”(Brzo trči.)
2.“She walked away sadly.”(Otišla je tužno.)
(Članci): the, a, an
1.“I saw a dog in the park.”(Video sam psa u parku.)
2.“She is reading the book.”(Ona čita knjigu.)
(Uslovi): if, then, would
1.“If it rains, then we will stay at home.”(Ako pada kiša, ostaćemo kod kuće.)
2.“I would go to the party if I were invited.”(Otišao bih na zabavu ako me pozovu.)
(Imenice): dog, city, love
1.“The dog is barking.”(Pas laje.)
2.“New York is a big city.”(Njujork je veliki grad.)
(Predlozi): in, on, at
1.“She is in the room.”(Ona je u sobi.)
2.“I will meet you at the station.”(Naći ćemo se na stanici.)
(Izmenice/odrednice): she, this, some
1.“She is my friend.”(Ona je moj prijatelj.)
2.“I need some sugar.”(Treba mi šećer.)
(Rečenice): I love you.
1.“I love you more than words can say.”(Volim te više nego što reči mogu reći.)
2.“Remember that I love you.”(Zapamti da te volim.)
(Tenses): past, present, future
1.“I ran yesterday.” (Juče sam trčao.)
2.“I am running now.” (Sada trčim.)
(Glagoli): run, eat, sleep
1.“I like to run in the morning.”(I like to run in the morning.)
2.“She eats breakfast at 7am.”(She eats breakfast at 7am.)
Learn English Tongue Twisters and Master Grammar
1. She sells seashells by the seashore.
Prevod: Prodaje školjke uz morsku obalu.
2.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Prevod:Peter Pajper je ubrao ključ kisele paprike.
3.How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Prevod: Koliko bi drveta držala drvena glava ako bi drvosječa mogla da baci drvo?
4.Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?
Prevod: Fuzzi Vuzzi je bio medved. Fuzzi Vuzzi nije imao kosu. Fuzzi Vuzzi nije bio baš nejasan, zar ne?
5. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
Prevod: Kako školjka može da se stegne u čistu kremom?
6.I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop.
Prevod: Video sam Susie kako sedi u prodavnici cipela.
7.Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.
Prevod: Šest klizavih puževa polako je klizilo prema moru.
8.Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter’s bitter.
Prevod: Betti Botter je kupila malo putera, ali rekla je da je puter gorak.
9. A big black bear sat on a big black rug.
Prevodi:Veliki crni medved sedeo je na velikom crnom tepihu.
10. Four fine fresh fish for you.
Prevod: Četiri fine sveže ribe za vas.
11.Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
Prevod: Možete li možete konzervu kao konzervu konzervu konzervu?
12.I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
Prevodi:Ja vrištim, vi vrištite, svi vrištimo za sladoledom.
13.Eleven benevolent elephants.
Prevodi:Jedanaest dobronamjernih slonova.
14. Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.
Prevedi: Fred je hranio Teda hlebom, a Ted je hranio Fred hlebom.
15. A proper copper coffee pot.
Prevedi: Pravi bakarni lonac za kafu.
16.She sees cheese.
Prevodi:Ona vidi sir.
17.How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
Prevod: Kako školjka može da se stegne u čistu kremom?
18.Six slippery snails slid slowly seaward.
Prevodi:Šest klizavih puževa polako je klizilo prema moru.
19. A big black bug bit a big black bear.
Prevod: Velika crna buba ugrizla velikog crnog medveda.
20.If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
Prevod: Ako bi dve veštice gledale dva sata, koja bi veštica gledala koji sat?
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