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Speak French With AI
Whether you’re dreaming of strolling along the Seine, savoring croissants in a Parisian café, or navigating business meetings with French-speaking colleagues, mastering French opens doors to culture, communication, and connection. SpeakPal, our cutting-edge AI language learning platform, empowers learners on their French journey. Engage in real-time conversations with our AI tutor. Receive instant feedback and corrections, refining your pronunciation and fluency.
AI Language Learning: Examples of French Grammar
(Adjectives): grand, petit, bleu
1.“Le chien est grand.” (The dog is big.)
2.“C’est un livre bleu.” (This is a blue book.)
(Adverbs): vite, lentement, souvent
1.“Elle court vite.” (She runs quickly.)
2.“Il parle lentement.” (He speaks slowly.)
(Articles): le, la, les
1.“Il a le livre.” (He has the book.)
2.“C’est la ville d’où je viens.” (This is the city I come from.)
(Nouns): chien, ville, amour
1.“Le chien est très grand.” (The dog is very big.)
2.“Je vis dans une grande ville.” (I live in a big city.)
(Prepositions): dans, sur, à
1.“Le livre est sur la table.” (The book is on the table.)
2.“Le chien est sous la table.” (The dog is under the table.)
(Pronouns/Determiners): il, ce, quelques
1.“Il est mon ami.” (He is my friend.)
2.“Je veux quelques livres.” (I want some books.)
(Sentence Structure): Sujet + Verbe + Objet
1.“Je mange une pomme.” (I eat an apple.)
2.“Nous pensons à toi.” (We think about you.)
(Tenses – Indicative): Je mange, je mangeais, je mangerai
1.“Je mange maintenant.” (I am eating now.)
2.“Il a mangé toute la journée.” (He has eaten all day.)
(Verbs): manger, boire, dormir
1.“Nous devrions courir maintenant.” (We should run now.)
2.“Peux-tu voir ça ?” (Can you see this?)
Learn French Tongue Twisters and Master Grammar
1.Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches, archi-sèches?
Translate: Are the Archduchess's socks dry, very dry?
2.Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien.
Translate: A hunter who knows how to hunt must know how to hunt without his dog.
3.Si mon tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondu.
Translate: If my uncle shaves your uncle, your uncle will be shaved.
4.Cinq chiens chassent six chats.
Translate: Five dogs chase six cats.
5.Je veux et j'exige du jasmin et des jonquilles.
Translate: I want and I demand jasmine and daffodils.
6.Un dragon gradé dégrade un gradé dragon.
Translate: A ranked dragon demotes a ranked dragon.
7.Mon père est maire, mon frère est masseur.
Translate: My father is a mayor, my brother is a masseur.
8.Didon dina, dit-on, du dos d’un dodu dindon.
Translate: Didon dined, they say, on the back of a plump turkey.
9.Je suis ce que je suis, et si je suis ce que je suis, qu’est-ce que je suis?
Translate: I am what I am, and if I am what I am, what am I?
10. La roue sur la rue roule; la rue sous la roue reste.
Translate: The wheel rolls on the street; the street remains under the wheel.
11.Trois gros rats gris dans trois gros trous ronds rongent trois gros croûtons ronds.
Translate: Three big gray rats in three big round holes gnaw three big round crusts.
12.Un agent prudent purge un prévenu prudent.
Translate: A careful agent purges a careful defendant.
13. Si six scies scient six cyprès, six cents scies scient six cents cyprès.
Translate: If six saws saw six cypresses, six hundred saws saw six hundred cypresses.
14.Ces cerises sont si sûres qu’on ne sait si c’en sont.
Translate: These cherries are so sour that one doesn't know if they are cherries.
15.Ton thé t’a-t-il ôté ta toux?
Translate: Has your tea removed your cough?
16.Un pêcheur sachant pêcher sans son chien est un bon pêcheur.
Translate: A fisherman who knows how to fish without his dog is a good fisherman.
17.Un cuisinier cuisina un plat cuisiné.
Translate: A cook cooked a cooked dish.
18.Si ce succès se sait, ces sept sœurs sont sottes.
Translate: If this success is known, these seven sisters are silly.
19.Pauvre petit pêcheur, prend pitié, prie pour paix.
Translate: Poor little fisherman, take pity, pray for peace.
20.Fanny fume son cigare sur le boulevard avec ses sœurs.
Translate: Fanny smokes her cigar on the boulevard with her sisters.
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